Thursday, March 17, 2011

Green food dye.... how to get if off your hands and child

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

The day started like any other saint Patties day.  We wake up check who is not wearing green pjs and pinch. The Dad got pinched as I had carefully plotted what myself and the children would be wearing the night before.   We then feast on green waffles, made with help by both kids.  Age 4 helped measure the mix and age 1.5 added the water.  Then we squirted in the food dye.  Here is where the problem started.  Lesson  1 learned is PUT AWAY THE FOOD DYE right after using it. 

Dropped 4 year old off at preschool, was disappointed to see a number of Non green wearing parents.  Or was I embarrassed to be wearing bright green?

Came home to clean up breakfast was in the middle of dishes and notice Toddler was chewing on the green food dye bottle.  All over her hands, the table and her clothing.  (here is where you should not panic but put on gloves to protect your own hands... Yeah right I did not do that... Lesson learned number 2 Protect your own clothing or skin first.  sigh!)

So we clean us up the best we can (but in fact are just getting more dye all over us as I try to wash it off)  Give up take some photos while waiting for computer to turn on...and think how I am going to husbands business recruiting dinner tomorrow with GREEN HANDS AND FOREARM.  Very professional, Yes I stay home with my kids obviously. 
Computer finally warms up...To GOOGLE  How to remove food coloring....

Lesson 3

Warm water and either Baking soda or toothpaste!  Repeat.  I grabbed both ran to the kids bathroom started drawing the bath water for sweet girl.  We used some nasty ironically green watermelon kids toothpaste.  Which worked well.  I put her in the tub and started on the baking soda on my hands.  I added some to her tub figured it could not hurt. 

My skin is dry, so it was a challenge but as I examine my hands an hour after the incident they are clean and most importantly not green :-)  Yet the dishes are still not done and I won't be dying anymore food green today!